Yes, I love this coffee.
My only big purchase in Niagara was 3, 5 pound tins of this coffee!!!
On the second day in our little cottage in Niagara in the Lake, Jenny made these delicious crepes for breakfast:
Jenny, being so sweet, brought along these childhood favorite wafer candies- they looked so pretty!
Our first class of the day was needlefelting being taught by lovely Vivian!
Me and Vivi working away!
These three bears show the super talent of some of my peeps. The big pink bear, named "Ras-bear-ay?" was made by Amy, which she in turn gifted to me. Little pink bear was made by Jenny and sweet brown bear was crafted by Vivian
This sweet blue bird was made also by Amy
And I made this nest- the eggs were premade!
Our next craft was taught by Jenny...look what we made!!
We each created our own birdie mobile.
This sweetie with the beak wide open is mine...
Jenny and Amy crafting away!
This is part of our wrap around porch....I love this wonderful cottage!
Random Photos....
Here we are, heading into town..Martha, Sandy, Maija, Vivian, Jenny and Amy
Shopping madness!
BFF's Natalea and Sandy
The Gifts were Sensational!! Go to this post of Amy's to see all of them in better detail.
Sandy made each of us on of these eggs to commemorate the event.
We also each got one of these fab necklaces from Sandy!!!
Pile of gifts to share and open
Martha made us each this zipper pouch and bird pin
Amy gave us one of her Stitching Kits so that we could all make one of our own. She is selling them in her store, and they come with EVERYTHING including little scissors!!!
Sunday we had to leave, so back to Natalea's house I went. When we arrived, there was this beautiful tea table laid out for us with a fresh baked apple pie- from Nat's mom!!! It was so lovely and so perfect!!
Nat is a voracious reader, and there are beautiful piles of books all over her house.
Lovely Jenny Lollipop Workshop vignette
This vignette includes a doll from Vintage by Crystal and a plaque from Every Day is a Holiday.
Special thanks to these wonderful women that make my life a better place to be!!!